On 2010-10-20 3:33 AM, Sebastian Spaeth wrote:
> Even better, let's use a mailman-like webinterface like everyone else
> does :-).


Web interfaces are much less error-prone.

Just put up a page where someone can enter their email address, and
click 'subscribe' or 'unsubscribe'. Provide proper feedback (ie, 'A
confirmation email has been sent to y...@email.com. In order to complete
the unsubscribe process you will need to click the confirmation link in
that email.' or 'Sorry, y...@email.com was not found in our list of

Then just pop a link at the bottom of every list with a link to the
appropriate page for that list.

Of course, I still prefer a more global type account management where a
user can easily manage all of their subscriptions to all available lists
on one page, but this is admittedly a little more complicated due to the
requirement of a username/password to be able to login, although such a
system could still use non-authenticated list specific pages to handle
specific sub/unsub requests with the same email confirmation process.


Best regards,


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