On Tue, Dec 7, 2010 at 8:50 AM, Steven Shelton <ste...@sheltonlegal.net> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On 12/7/2010 11:40 AM, Eduardo Moreno wrote:
>> El 07/12/10 10:20, Samuel Mehrbrodt escribió:
>>> Today there was an announcement that KOffice got a new name
>>> (Calligra) and they also renamed some of the Applications.
>>> "KWord" became "Words", "KSpread" became "Tables" and
>>> "KPresenter" was renamed to "Stages".

The KOffice name changes were _necessary_ for organizational reasons.
The changes--names and more--provoked some valuable dynamics amongst
the entire Calligra team. One minor change--KPresenter was renamed
Stage (singular). Taken together, the Calligra application names
communicate some interesting perspectives on what the applications do.

In the case of LibreOffice, changing the names of applications would
be an unnecessary handicap. Some part of the value of the names is the
continuity with OpenOffice. I like the idea of an OOo fork that is
driven by an independent, free team rather than a greedy megalomaniac.

>>> I was wondering whether such a name change has been considered
>>> for the LibreOffice Applications.
>> I like the names of the applications.
> I do, too, and I think they are consistent, descriptive (what the heck
> does "stages" mean?), and well-known throughout the community of
> users. I don't see a need to change simply for the sake of change.
> - --
> Steven Shelton
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