At 18:59 16/02/2011, drew wrote:
On Wed, 2011-02-16 at 17:30 +0000,
Michael Meeks wrote:
> Hi Joanie,
> > On Wed, 2011-02-16 at 16:24 +0100, Cor Nouws wrote:
> > > * Is there an active a11y team and/or developers focused on
> > >   a11y issues in LibreOffice?
> >
> > Sure there are people with a focus on this. I am not sure if we
> > actually can speak of 'a team'.
> Quite - whether there is a team at OO.o is a similar question ;-) there
> are people who can help fix problems. From ORCA's perspective, I created
> the design, prototype, and ~50% of the existing atk bridge in vcl; so I
> wouldn't fret that we are skill-less in this area :-)
>       Furthermore, it is far easier to work on LibreOffice process-wise to
> get fixes in, so I anticipate (over time) a better accessibility
> experience; and of course we welcome patches (on the dev list).

Hi, If I may change the subject here for a moment. When lasted I noted any comment on the OO.o lists with regard to the IAccessibilty code coming from IBM, IIRC, the comment was that it was 'not yet integrated' - I don't know if that is still true.

As far as I know, the IAccessible2 code is in the OOo repository but not in the main trunk. At FOSDEM (two week ago), Malte Timmermann could not give a date when the integration (and testing) would be finished: "It will be done when it's done." (See my summary at <>.)

Best regards,


From LibreOffice stand point, I am not sure I have heard what the plan is, would that integration be merged here? (if the answer is still don't know till we see it - that's a valid answer) I remember watching the session on accessibility at the last OOoConn and I know there was a MS rep there, as I remember you had some small interaction. I'm don't know then if your (the dev teams) thoughts are to look for the integration coming via OO.o/IBM or if you are looking at going a different route. Please don't feel you need to respond directly - if there are some references already (other emails, blogs) it would be great if anyone could point in the direction of those. This next period there are number of shows in the US and the question of accessibility is treated quite directly in this area. I was thinking of trying to create a small reference piece for the booth staff at the shows with some information on this subject (within this next 2 weeks - to make the first show): LIbreOffice support for accessibility technologies (current and future) [or something similar] I'm starting with the assumption that anything relating to OO.o 3.3 would be correct also for Libo 3.3 - correct assumption? Beyond that - I'm not asking for a direct response here to this email, but if that assumption is not correct, or there are actual plans for a different direction for integration it would be much appreciated if anyone could direct some links my way, I will read and assemble a smaller flyer type piece, then ask folks to review it.
Thanks for your time,

Christophe Strobbe
K.U.Leuven - Dept. of Electrical Engineering - SCD
Research Group on Document Architectures
Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 bus 2442
B-3001 Leuven-Heverlee
tel: +32 16 32 85 51
Twitter: @RabelaisA11y
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