Thanks very much Barbara. Glad to see someone has beaten me to it.

On 21/02/2011 23:08, Barbara Duprey wrote:
> On 2/21/2011 4:16 PM, Mark Preston wrote:
>> I'm about ready to load up LibreOffice and start running it for work
>> but have really one simple question before I do. Background is I will
>> be running it on Windows Vista, currently run OpenOffice and will be
>> using it near daily including with MS Office documents and
>> presentations.
>> So the question is: can I load LibO side-by-side with OpenOffice and
>> if not what is the procedure to load LibO and - should there be
>> probelms - to reload OpenOffice? Most importantly, this is a
>> multi-user system so it needs to be loaded for at least three users.
>> Any advice much appreciated.
> They ordinarily coexist peacefully, although you may want to modify
> the file associations to make the right one the default. Also, it
> might be best to run without the QuickStarter. I generally have at
> least one document or the splash page active, and I don't set the
> option to look for updates, so OOo and LibO both come up quite quickly
> even the first time.

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