I just couldn't be more different than you.
You are seriously misunderstand the whole problem. This is not about bugs. This 
is about standardization, this is about the question of freedom vs slavery.

Anyway we as a company (although not a big one) using OpenOffice.org 
exclusively for 5 years. We are communicating the whole world (IT and not IT 
companies, European and Hungarian Public Institution, we have US and UK 
business partners) and during this 5 year we never (let me say NEVER!) 
experienced any blocking bug. Even with docx, xlsx format could be read and 
written by OO.o or LibO (or at least a workaround can be find).

And let me remind you that EC is not spending it's own money but mine and 
yours! And the minimum level is make the whole process open and transparent.

So this is not about bugs, but policy, future and a livable life.


Kürti László
Open SKM Agency Kft.
1024 Budapest Kút u. 5

----- Original Message -----
From: "Mike Hall" <mike.h...@onepoyle.net>
To: discuss@documentfoundation.org
Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 12:45:28 PM
Subject: Re: [tdf-discuss] European Commitee enter talks with MS licences,      
Please make your action today against it.

I think we also need to examine some of the reasons behind the 
reluctance. I've made this particular point before, but I don't think 
its significance has been accepted by the OOo/LibO community.

It's hardly possible to use LibO seriously without soon running into a 
serious bug. I'm sure we all have our own pet problems and have found a 
way around them or have simply accepted them. The difficult is that for 
the 'normal' end user, the support cost of just one of those incidents 
is likely to exceed the MSO licence cost. Similar kinds of problems do 
of course occur with MSO, but my experience in a very large 
international where I was in a place to see the problems is that they 
are very very much rarer. Until we put our house in order and deliver a 
product free of the majority of bugs, for most pragmatists the obvious 
simplest and cheapest solution is bound to remain MSO. Thus, whatever 
the protests and lobbying, the bureaucracy will find a way of justifying 
that choice. From my observations, the quality of OOo has in practice 
been getting worse rather than better with each succeeding release. It's 
too early to say for LibO, but I do not see that concentrated 
determination to address the totality of bugs which would be necessary 
to make things right.


On 05/04/2011 11:22, Kürti László wrote:
> Charles,
> I was asking the European members personally! to take something against it.
> We here in Hungary spent the last 5 years with lobbying for only to let the 
> FLOSS into the public sector. Earlier it was not possible. We had some 
> positive results 'cause we could refer the EU policies.
> But if the EC don't give ...t what can I say?
> I tell you, nothing!
> And really all the national governments will be more than happy to find an 
> excuse not to do anything for interoperability, for standardization and for 
> freedom.
> If we?, you? (TDF) have the will and members stand behind this case than we 
> have a chance.
> Yes we must act an intelligent way but first of all we must act.
> Laszlo
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Charles-H. Schulz"<charles.sch...@documentfoundation.org>
> To: discuss@documentfoundation.org
> Sent: Tuesday, April 5, 2011 11:16:58 AM
> Subject: Re: [tdf-discuss] European Commitee enter talks with MS licences,    
> Please make your action today against it.
> Hello Laszlo,
> Le Tue, 5 Apr 2011 09:42:10 +0200 (CEST),
> Kürti László<kurti.las...@openskm.com>  a écrit :
>> Hi All,
>> Sorry for this off topic but this is serious
>> http://www.computerworld.com/s/article/print/9215419/EC_enters_talks_with_Microsoft_for_new_licenses?taxonomyName=IT+in+Government&taxonomyId=13
>> If this come true than we (LibreOffice an other FLOSS products) will
>> be down and out, buried by dust for ever, governments do not need
>> better excuse than this.
>> Please make your action today:
>> blog about, send a mail to your member of EP, tell the local media
> I would not be as pessimistic as you are, the EC is unfortunately a
> MS shop, but there is certainly ground to protest; I'd suggest you use
> other, more focused initiatives than this list to take action:
> http://interopwikiproject.com/public-procurement:ec-pushes-ahead-with-windows-7-migration
> Best,
> Charles.
>> Thx
>> Laszlo
>> --
>> Kürti László
>> Open SKM Agency Kft.
>> 1024 Budapest Kút u. 5
>> www.openskm.com
>> kurti.las...@openskm.com
>> (+36-1)-788-6556

Mike Hall

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