Florian Effenberger wrote:
First TDF Advisory Board members demonstrate wide corporate support for LibreOffice

Strong backing for a truly free and vendor-neutral office suite
The Document Foundation provides solid grounds to build upon

The Document Foundation today announced the first members of its Advisory Board: Google, SUSE, Red Hat, Freies Office Deutschland e.V., Software in the Public Interest, and the Free Software Foundation. The new appointees will serve for an initial term of one year.

The body represents The Document Foundation's sponsors, with each sponsor having the right to one representative. They will provide the future Board of Directors with advice, guidance and proposals, and will consult regularly on the further development of the Foundation and its associated projects.
I am truly gratified to see such a wide and important group of sponsors supporting The Document Foundation. It gives me a lot of confidence that TDF will do at least as good a job with supporting and improving LO as the former OOo did with OpenOffice.

"We're very proud, and warmly welcome the first members of the Advisory Board. Its composition shows that LibreOffice is a vendor-neutral, truly-free office suite, and confirms that The Document Foundation has created a solid base to build upon, for the community, for corporations and enterprises, and for adopters and end-users," said Florian Effenberger on behalf of The Document Foundation's Steering Committee. "With LibreOffice being downloaded from all over the world, with the community growing quickly, and with organizations and corporations showing strong support, The Document Foundation has succeeded in creating a safe, stable and secure base to ensure the future of free office suites," he added.
<big snip>

I myself am mostly just one of the huge number of end users. I recently downloaded LO and put it on my second computer. While I have not had much chance to use it yet, so far it seems to be significantly improved from the last release of OOo that I was using. I think I speak for most small (Non corporate) end users when I say that I think that OOo has basically become irrelevant. As in who cares what Apache does with it, LO is where its at now.

I have a few observations to make, as to future changes/improvements. I for one am very reluctant to frequently upgrade any major software application that must be downloaded and replaced in its entirety, particularly if there is not a published list of the improvements in the new release. This is why I do not upgrade my copy of Apple iTunes, particularly when it is an incremental upgrade, for example version 5.3.7 to 5.3.8 as opposed to major upgrades like from 5.x to 6.x. This is particularly true when there are components you could loose like the personal dictionary that goes with the spell checker. I really think that it should be made a priority at some point to get LO to where "Incremental Upgrades" are possible, that is only the parts of the entire office suite that are actually being changed would be downloaded and installed, not the entire thing, and personal modifications, like settings and personal dictionaries would be left undisturbed.

I think that it would be a good idea at some point to do a survey of users to find out how many of them actually use only one of the modules of the suite, example Writer, Calc, Math, Base, and which one that is. For example, I use only Writer, I never use any of the other modules. So that if we were to find that a large percentage of users only use Writer, or Calc for instance, it might make sense to break those modules out and offer them as a separate program without any of the other modules. I know that this was frequently discussed on the OOo Discuss list, and the OOo suite was too highly integrated for this to be practical, but perhaps at some point this might become feasible with LO.

I noticed in the following list that there is no one from North America. I am just a bit concerned about this. Should I be?

Press and Media Contacts

Florian Effenberger (based near Munich, Germany, UTC+1)
Phone: +49 8341 99660880
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Olivier Hallot (based in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, UTC-3)
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E-mail: olivier.hal...@documentfoundation.org

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Italo Vignoli (based in Milan, Italy, UTC+1)
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E-mail: italo.vign...@documentfoundation.org
Skype: italovignoli
Google Talk: italo.vign...@gmail.com
Finally, I would like to be able to help with semi-technical improvements to LO Writer, like getting a better word list into the Spell Checker, or adding more functionality to the Auto-correct function, like having it automatically capitalize all the days of the week, and the months of the year, as well as many other automatic corrections. I know that it only takes a couple of hours of adding things to the Auto-correct to turn it into a fair grammar correction function. It would be nice if ordinary users like me could be able to help with this kind of thing.

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