On 07/18/2011 05:12 PM, Robert Boehm wrote:
> On 07/18/2011 07:04 PM, plino wrote:
>> Robert Boehm wrote:
>>> Obviously, if the version "preferred" by the installer is the only
>>> version that the installed files will work with
>>> is the only choice, then well, OK.  But if it's compatible with the
>>> latest version, maybe there is a way to make
>>> sure that the latest version available is installed (that is compatible)
>>> rather than whatever it was built with....
>>> but I am ignorant as to if this is feasible or not....or if testing is
>>> available to make sure that this works.
>> I have uninstalled the version bundled with LibO and kept the newer version.
>> All is working as expected because updates to VC++ 2008 are security and bug
>> fixes.
> Good....a work-around....thanks.

Not necessarily as LO is installing a version with security issues & IMO
that needs to be resolved. The standard 'user' won't know to uninstall
the bundled version as plino did. This is similar to when OOo installed
insecure versions of java et al. The user would then have parallel
versions of jave installed.

I'd recommend a followup to the dev list. plino, when you do that you
might also add links to the security notices for the earlier version of
VC++ 2008.

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