My two cents on this issue is that Versions and Resume are nice features
that will have to be supported one day, but I'd rather see Commenting
and Track Changes fixed first because they are needed right now.

I'm sure everyone else out there could name a pet issue that they'd like
to see taken care of before making document save procedures work
differently depending upon a user's OS.

Full Screen is another matter. As long as LO relies on palettes (tool
windows), it doesn't seem practical to have a full screen mode. If the
glorious day ever arrives that LO can snap palettes together and stick
them to the side of the window, a la recent versions of Photoshop, then
full screening the app will make more sense -- you'll be able to have
full functionality in a full-screen window.

But if we're not going to fix the UI's reliance on palettes, then full
screen mode will only be useful as a "distraction free" mode as offered
by WriteRoom or Scrivener.




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