Hello Carlo,

I may only answer to some of your questions...

Le Thu, 01 Sep 2011 17:27:33 +0200,
Carlo Strata <carlo.str...@tiscali.it> a écrit :

> Hi Everyone,
> I want only to open a positive (constructive) talk, discuss.
> I think we all have to point to quality by the following means:
> - all documents (Open Documents, PDFs or real print) yielded by 
> LibreOffice have to be near perfection;

What do you mean by "near perfection"?

> - priority bugs have to be valuated with the previous mean in mind;
> - all LibreOffice generated documents all over the world are the sign 
> and the face of our quality;
> - if wrong documents are linked to LibreOffice in People's mind we
> are putting our time and efforts away through the window;


> - only with document quality, we will be growing at enterprise side
> in trust, confidence and reliance too;

I don't know, I'm not sure about that :-) I think people have to be
made aware of ODF documents, otherwise they'll think it's a nuisance. 

> - here in Italy, PDF/A-1a file format, e.g., is the standard way
> (file format) to give back information to Public Administrations
> (e.g. Central Trade Offices, ...): if professionals or enterprise
> cannot do that with LibreOffice they don't adopt it. Full stop. And
> we couldn't work with them to grow in LibreOffice adoption and, of
> course, TDF doesn't grow all over the minds, in the streets, on many
> countries and in the related healthy and sound business;

I can save documents under PDF/A-1 with LibreOffice. :-) 

> - I'm seeing many regressions in these days that I thought have been 
> definitively fixed, many regarding "document quality": I think it
> isn't enough to fix it again, but we ought to ask ourselves why these 
> regressions occur, what are we mistaking, what could we improving in
> the whole process, in the workflows;
> - are we sure, once more, that all regressions fixed are than 
> forward-ported to 3.5.x branch or I can aspect to a "new" related 
> regression when I'll try to use the future 3.5.x release?
> - are someone interested in make quality always lower, someway 
> boycotting LibreOffice and its diffusion, spread? Are regression 
> somewhat, and also, linked to this? These are weak hypothesis, but I 
> cannot fall silence about them anymore;

So concretely, what would you like to improve the quality process?


> - I'm an Italian Computer Engineer and I'm part of the Venice
> Engineer Professional Association ("Ordine degli Ingengneri di
> Venezia") to whom I want to make adopting both OpenDocument file
> format and LibreOffice to deal with that file format, but at the
> moment (3.4.3) I still cannot. When will I be able to? At 3.4.4 time?
> My 2 euros ;-)
> Carlo

Charles-H. Schulz
Membre du Comité exécutif
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