
just quickly from FOSDEM, more details later on. ;)

Jesús Corrius wrote on 2012-02-03 14:08:

We had a huge problem in the OpenOffice.org Conference 2007 in
Barcelona as more than 1000 people registered for the conference and
at the end there were no more than 250 people appeared. We lost a lot
of money because of that and on a personal basis after more than one
year of the conference I was still clearing the mess up. Yes, I am
still angry ;)

We should have a registration that e.g. charges 5 € or 10 € and includes a t-shirt with it. We had that for e.g. Orvieto and Budapest, and IMHO it worked quite well.

2. If you are not a member of the TDF but you also want to vote, send
a message to someone (Florian maybe? :P) and you will be invited.

Honestly, unless someone hires a secretary for me :) I really cannot handle this. I am already swamped with messages like insane, and handling that is just not doable in my time... sorry :/


Florian Effenberger <flo...@documentfoundation.org>
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