Hi all,

Let me take this opportunity to shamelessly plug the LibreOffice Hamburg
Hackfest 2012. The city of Hamburg has throughout history taken its freedom and
independence as a high treasure -- as can be seen from its motto: "Libertatem
quam peperere maiores digne studeat servare posteritas". Thus it is a great
place for an event of a project that takes freedom as serious as LibreOffice


As a proud local, I also decided to guide some sightseeing on Friday afternoon
for people interested, so if you arrive early you might get to see some of the
beautiful corners of Hamburg. After that we will meet up with everyone in the
Schachcafe close to the Hackfest location for a beer event.

Saturday and Sunday then will be two days of hacking, learning, teaching,
connecting and implementing great ideas at the Attaktor, one of the homebases
of the Chaos Computer Club, which has an interesting history starting with
tales of international spionage during the cold war and much more (see
Wikipedia and links on the Hackfest page). They have become older, wiser and
tamer at least a bit since then, but still originate cool projects like Project

Nerdshirt.de kindly sponsors us ten T-shirts for the participants. We just
decided to give those to the first ten people, who added themselves to the
participant list completely with their name and shirtsize(*). First come, first
serve here as is with travel bursaries and couch surfing, which is kindly
provided by some of the Hamburg Hackers.

So please add yourself as a participant to the Hackfest at:


and add topics that you would like to discuss or work on -- we will try to find
a mentor for you then.

Looking forward to see you all in Hamburg!


(*) If you think this is some evil plot to get you to register early, you might 
onto something, but please do not tell anybody!

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