On 10/08/2012 03:14 AM, Jonathan Aquilina wrote:
I am now wondering if this should be put forth to the board that way we can
get a clear end all decision and move forward with the forums and getting
them going.

I think we are well beyond this and we should move forward as is, both user and contributors forum. WORST CASE we have a contributor section that isn't used, so be it, we deal with that IF AND ONLY IF that happens. I don't understand why it's gotten so much attention so close to "going live". Going to the board will only delay what needs to be done, which is getting a forum together, up and running, as soon as possible. We still have several more things to do before this can happen, delaying this step only delays the entire project.

Also, let's keep in mind that the top contributors have not been so vocally against the section, to me this is a big deal. If you look at who is the heads of the UX group, the QA group, the developers, etc...they haven't been nearly as vocal about this.

Again very worst case we have a dead contributor section, and to me, this is a very small price to pay for moving forward as soon as possible


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