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Believe me, as a emerging country point of view, one of the strongest
point of Microsoft Office is because it is... outrageously expensive!
But they will never write that.

Hard to admit, but many decision makers love big checks. Is is a "macho"
behavior. Cheap is for sissies (and I let you guess what happens when
big money is on the table).

So, all FUD around feature A or B missing in suite C or D is a smoke
screen for a CIO that cannot fight the MS lobby (especially in Public

For example, they have to explain why a lot of enterprises have Lotus
Notes instead of MS Exchange and why these entreprises aren't doomed
because their mail does not "work" with Office Outlook.

Just to remind, pivot tables are used by less than 0,01% of the user
base. Technical issues are the easiest to fix (when money is there, of

And collaborative tools are being addressed in LibreOffice with the CMIS
implementations undergoing, including Sharepoint access. Let's see V4.0
of LibreOffice.

Anyway, I am happy to see such pamphlets sprouting and LibreOffice name
inside... It shows we are inconvenient to them. It also shows they need
to care of their cash-cow harder than before.

Happy 2013!

Em 29-12-2012 13:30, Immanuel Giulea escreveu:
> Hello all,
> Microsoft put out a three-page document that hits on some of the weaknesses
> of LO (and bundles LO with OOo):
> http://download.microsoft.com/download/D/0/D/D0DA0C4B-22DE-40C7-A84D-0C7E03347A9C/Considering-LibreOffice-and-OO-v2.pdf
> Is there some materials that can explain the strong points of LO and offer
> counter-arguments to what MS says ?
> Some of the key points would be:
> - lack of calendaring/email
> - collaboration tools
> - pivot tables
> Immanuel

- -- 
Olivier Hallot
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