Hello Russ,

Le lundi 22 avril 2013 à 17:40 -0700, Upscope a écrit :

> <Quote>
> > I remember seeing a discussion about the White Paper, and I hope that
> > translations to other languages will be done.
> > 
> > That will help a lot.
> > 
> > Here in Canada, the Quebec government is about to spend 1.4 billion $
> > to upgrade 500,000 desktops from MSO 2003 to MSO 2013.
> > This is only the provincial public service and does not include
> > municipal/city-level public service with approx another 300,000.
> > 
> > The original intent of my message (sorry if I used the wrong mailing
> > list) was to make a blog post to say that we as a community are aware
> > of the end-of-life for MSO 2003 that is less than a year away, and
> > here are some reasons why you should make the switch.
> > 
> > Yes, the formats are not perfect, and yes the license is free.
> > But most important, LibreOffice has 99% (?) of the same
> > functionalities of MSO and answers the need of 99% (?) of end-users,
> > either individuals or business.
> I have to disagree with the above statement. There are still significant 
> problems with .docx documents in writer. All text type documents work, 
> but recieve something with grapic in it and the conversion does not work 
> correctly. i reports this way back on 3.x and 4.0. Still not fixed in 
> 4.0.2. It occurs both in the openSUSE branded version and the version 
> direct from LibreOffice.
> If everybody is going to be abadoning .doc this needs to be fixed. I 
> final may have found when it occurs today and will report it. (has to do 
> with text wraping around the graphic).
> Don't get me wrong I use LibreOfiice exclusively and like it. 
> And to let you know alot of the .docx documents I get are from B.C. I'm 
> in Washinton, close neighor to them.

I think it's important to clarify Italo's comment. We don't just think
that since we know it will never be perfect, we don't work on the OOXML
filters. Actually there's been some massive work done on them, and it is
an ever ongoing work. But it is also important to realize that OOXML is
a highly complex format that we have to reimplement (the spec helps, but
there's much more to it) and  therefore it takes a long time to get it
right. Note that one outcome of this is that we get better with time
(today, the MS Office formats from MS Office 97, 2000 or 2003 really
work well) and another factor to take into account is how the users of
both LibreOffice and MS Office actually use the software. Someone typing
only bold letters for the title or paragraph headers is not going to get
the best result regardless of the suite he/she uses.


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