On 5/15/24 15:44, John Abreau wrote:
my other disks were close
to full when I purchased the 18TB disk. To back it up, I'd need to purchase
yet another disk


I once heard as a metaphor* that a circus needs at least two elephants, because if one dies, it will require the second elephant haul away the first one. You have only one elephant.

I'm so old that 18TB seems big to me. That's so much data that backing it up by ANY means is very non-trivial. Even if the disk could spit data at the maximum "super speed" of USB 3.0, isn't that still something like 10-hours just to fit so much data through the wire?

-kb, the Kent who points out that circuses seem to be giving up on elephants.

* It wasn't about disks when I first heard it, it was used to illustrate a truth of nuclear power plants. They also come in large increments. And are (almost?) always built in sets of two, or more.
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