
(copy to the FR discuss list where it all started)

I'm at a loss about the styles names and use in LibO docs (I'm referring here to http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/images/f/f5/0101GS3-IntroducingLibO.odt, but the same goes to others)

I'm wondering why the styles used are OOoSomeNewStyle while predefined styles already exist for the same purpose in the software (eg: OOoTextBody vs pre-defined TextBody)

I think the current naming scheme is faulty and that this important drawback should be addressed.

The problem I see here is interoperability. This pilar of Free Software is very welcome into our office automation tools. This way, our documents can be transferred everywhere and used by anyone, the style name being translated and meaningful to the reader (eg: the paragraph style "Heading 1" in English is "Titre 1" in French).

-> Any non-standard expression is a source of misunderstanding.
-> Any non-standard naming can't be easily translated.

The second drawback is much worse. If I want to display documents using my own style sheets, I can configure any pre-defined style to fit my needs or desires and create my own templates (this is basic styles and templates use). This way, when I get a document from anywhere, I can be sure it will look the way *I* want.

-> Any non-standard naming defeats in-house rules.

I'm sure there's some reason why the obscure OOoSomeNewStyle scheme has been adopted but I can't see any explanation that would overrule the two problems above.

Also, we must be aware that the documents we produce here are to be used as good practice examples by our audience. Anytime I teach Writer, I emphasize on styles and good practices about them. Having "official" documents (well, there's the TDF logo somewhere, right?) that don't actually apply such good practices is bad teaching.

Can anyone with a long experience explain this naming thingy?

Because of the problems listed above, I think we should review the documents styles and adopt the predefined styles wherever they are concerned, additional styles being introduced very sparingly.

Best regards,
Jean-Francois Nifenecker, Bordeaux

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