New Zealand Rejects Office For Macs

Posted by kdawson on Tuesday May 29, @08:02AM
from the my-word,-how-can-our-students-excel? dept.
Education Microsoft The Almighty Buck
An anonymous reader writes "The New Zealand Ministry of Education has
declined to renew a licensing deal for MS Office on 25,000 Macintosh
computers in the country's schools. The Education Minister has suggested
that schools use the free alternative NeoOffice. The article quotes a school
principal who pointed out that the NeoOffice website warns users to expect
problems and bugs: 'That's not the sort of software we should be expecting
kids in New Zealand to be using.'" Schools are free to buy their own copies
of Office. A blog on the New Zealand Herald site argues that the Ministry
should have paid Microsoft this time, but not renewed the deal and instead
developed a transition plan to open source. 

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