Hello All,

I'm working with an PC centric customer that's running a M$ ISA Server. His major complaint was that Software Update wouldn't work with the proxy. "No problem" I thought. "Authoxy." We setup a test proxy with Win2K3 Server and a test iMac running Panther. It's working but authentication must be turned OFF on the server.

I had him turn on logging in the pref pane and then asked him to send me the system.log. Unfortunately the only entries made by Authoxy don't seem to indicate the what's going on or I just don't know how to interpret the log.

===From system.log===
localhost /Library/PreferencePanes/Authoxy.prefPane/Contents/MacOS/authoxyd: Authoxy has started successfully
May 13 09:36:52 localhost configd[87]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
May 13 09:36:52 localhost mach_init[2]: Server 0 in bootstrap d03 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd": exited as a result of signal 1 [pid 432]
May 13 09:36:52 localhost configd[87]: executing /System/Library/SystemConfiguration/Kicker.bundle/Contents/Resources/ set-hostname
May 13 09:36:52 localhost lookupd[460]: lookupd (version 324.2.1) starting - Thu May 13 09:36:52 2004
May 13 09:36:52 localhost set-hostname[465]: setting hostname to Student-LWSDs-Computer.local
May 13 09:36:54 localhost configd[87]: posting notification com.apple.system.config.network_change
May 13 09:36:54 localhost mach_init[2]: Server 0 in bootstrap d03 uid 0: "/usr/sbin/lookupd": exited as a result of signal 1 [pid 460]

The last four lines repeat several times. Any and all suggestions are most welcome.



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