Can I just provide some input and suggest another program called
Colloquy, very nice program just for IRC!


>---- Original Message ----
>Subject: RE: [discuss] Re: IRC client & Authoxy?
>Date: Sat, 12 Jan 2008 21:12:49 -0800
>>I've since found Linkinus--which looks as good or better than Snak
>>which can be configured to use proxies--but I can't get it to
>> Then it occurred to me that the port used for IRC (6667?) probably
>>just isn't open in our firewall.  Authoxy isn't going to help me
>>On Jan 12, 2008 4:34 PM, Daryl Spitzer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Has anyone used an IRC client with Authoxy?  I've never used IRC
>>> I'd like to start).
>>> I tried Ircle, and tried configuring it to use Authoxy's proxies
>>>, but it didn't work.  I found the UI somewhat
>>> and dated, so I then tried Snak, which looks pretty good.  But I
>>> see any way to configure it to use proxies.
>>> Do you have a (Mac OS X) IRC to recommend, and do you know how to
>>> configure it to use Authoxy?
>>> --
>>> Daryl Spitzer

Thanks, David Moyle
Manjimup, WA

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