(B#$BH`$O!"(Brelease project$B$N(Blead$B$G$9$h$M(B?
(BSubject [releases] updated plan for OOo 2.0 (was: Re: [releases] Once
(Bupon a time)
(BDate 2005/01/18 0:20
(Bat this time we still have 38 P2 issues open, some of them are IMHO
(Bstill blocker for a Beta:
(B35778       Tools-Thesaurus crashes OOo
(B39922       Save-As (and renaming) of HSQL database document loses data
$B$[$+$K$b$"$C$F!"$I$l$b?7$7$$%3!<%I$d you will
(Bsee that we put some effort in:
(B* reducing P1/P2.
(B* reprioritizing issues to P4 to reduce the number of release relevant
(Bissues for 2.0 without postponing them by default (we still hope to fix
(Bthem for 2.0 but can't guarantee it) to a later release.
(B* introduced 2.0.1 target milestone for those issues we know we havn't
(Benough time for 2.0 but want them in 2.0.x.
(B## Sander$B$X$NJV?.$H$7$FEj9F$5$l$?$,!"$=$3$O>JN,(B ##
(BYutaka Kachi
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