Kawai Takashi wrote:
(B> $B$O$8$a$^$7$F!"%7%e%k%D$5$s!#(B
(B> $B;d$NL>A0$O2O0f?r$G$9!#;d$O!"(BOOo$B%f!<%6!<$G$9!#(B
(B> $B;d$O%f!<%6!<$N;[EMAIL PROTECTED]/[EMAIL PROTECTED]/$o$+$i$J$$!#(B
(B> $B$7$+$7!"http://hermione.s41.xrea.com/pukiwiki/pukiwiki.php?OOoBasic%2FMacros%2FReSizePlus_en
(B> $BF|K\8lHG(B
(B> http://hermione.s41.xrea.com/pukiwiki/pukiwiki.php?OOoBasic%2FMacros%2FReSizePlus
(B> $B$I$A$i$b%^%/%m%3!<%I$O$^$C$?$/F1$8$G$9!#J8=q$r%m!<%+%i%$%:$9$k$N$,0lHVLL(B
(B> $BE]$+(B
(B> $B$b$7$l$^$;$s!#(B
(BTranslation begins ---
(BHello Mr. Schulz,
(BMy name is Takashi Kawai.  I'm just one OO.o user.
(B[I participte in this community] in the hope of helping the developers
(Bfrom one user's point of view.
(BAlthough this functionality may not be much interest to you Schulz-san,
(BI have written a macro for Draw that resizes drawing objects by
(Bpercentage, e.g. 10%, 30%, 150% and so on.
(BMy macro is also capable of automatically switching the UI language
(Bdepending upon the language setting set by the user.  Sadly I don't have
(Ba good command in English, let alone other languages.  But if there is a
(Bneed for localization for my macro, I can put such facility into it.
(BI will give you an URL to my macro website.  Please give this site if
(Byou are interested.
(BEnglish site:
(BJapanese site:
(BThe codes that appear in both sites are identical.  Localizing the
(Bdocumentation may be the most difficult task.
(BTranslation by Kohei
(B> # 
(B> $B$;$C$+$/$J$N$G!"1Q8l$G$b=q$$$F$_$^$9!#$*$+$7$$$H$3$m$"$l$PD>$7$F$d$C$F(B 
(B> $B$5$$!#(B
(BTo unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
(BFor additional commands, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
