Charles-H. Schulz wrote:
(B>Hello Kohei-San, Akimitsu-San,
(B>being used to meet and work with people who don't speak your language.
$B;d$?$A%h!<%m%C%Q?M$OF|>oE*$K<+J,$,[EMAIL PROTECTED]"$$$C(B
(B>Today the language is english. Yesterday, it was French.
(B>And even before, it was latin, the language of Romans... 
(B[EMAIL PROTECTED]"%m!<%^Dk9q;~Be$O!"%i%F%s8l$,OC$5$l$F$$$?CO0h$G$9!#(B
(B>It's the same all around the Native-Language Confederation.
$B%M%$%F%#%V%i%s%2!<%8%3%s%U%'%G%l!<[EMAIL PROTECTED]&!#(B
(B>But as much as we enjoy working with people from other countries, we
(B>should never forget where we come from. 
(B>It's very important to always keep in mind your traditions. 
(B>If you have forgotten where you are from,
(B>then how could you know where you're heading? :-)
(Btranslated by khirano
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