Hello Higuchi-San, 

thank you a lot for your translation!
I will post this news report asap.

Best Regards,


On Sun, 2005-05-15 at 23:09 +0900, Takaaki Higuchi wrote:
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> -------
> ja-N-L Monthly Report:May-2005
> This report sorts out on activities of OOo Japanese Native-Lang and OOo/FOSS 
> related news in Japan. This is not an official news letter, but a kind of 
> note. 
> The contents would be freely distributed and
> re-used for a source of other announcements or news letters.
> Written by Yutaka Kachi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> Translated by Takaaki Higuchi([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> - OpenOffice.org deployments in public sectors
> There is a fact that the de-facto standard format of documents is Microsoft 
> Office
>  even if in public sectors in Japan. To avoid this specific vendor lock-in, 
> several efforts have been started.
> At IPA(Information-technology Promotion Agency, 
> http://www.ipa.go.jp/index-e.html),
>  which is an extra-government organization of METI(Ministry of Economy, Trade 
> and 
> Industry), materials of public subscriptions are offered in OpenOffice.org 
> 1.1 sxw
>  format in addition to Microsoft Word and Adobe PDF format.
> METI Hokkaido(Organization of the Hokkaido Bureau of Economy, Trade and 
> Industry, 
> http://www.hkd.meti.go.jp/index_e.htm) also provides materials for public 
> subscriptions in Word and SXW format.
> OOo deployments have not been major trends in general corporate use in Japan. 
> However, such OOo deployments in public sectors might be accelerate OOo 
> deployments in private sector, and I hope in-expensive deployment cost will 
> get 
> more attentions on OOo.
> - Microsoft Japan held a seminar focused on OpenOffice.org competitive 
> analisys
> On April 12th, Microsoft Japan held a press briefing, which focused on 
> cosiderations on Office software and desktop OS values. While I had not 
> attended 
> this seminar, but many IT webzines reported that was competitive analisys on 
> merits of Microsoft Office in comparison with OpenOffice.org.
> http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/news/200504/13/ms.html
> http://pcweb.mycom.co.jp/news/2005/04/12/003.html
> http://enterprise.watch.impress.co.jp/cda/topic/2005/04/12/5054.html
> http://www.itmedia.co.jp/enterprise/articles/0504/13/news046.html
> http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/free/ITPro/OPINION/20050414/159267/
> This was also picked up by Slashdot Japan.
> http://slashdot.jp/article.pl?sid=05/04/13/0414220&topic=104&mode=thread
> At the start of the seminar, Microsoft asked the attendees to raise hands if 
> they 
> think MS Office is expensive, and most of them did, of course.
> Microsoft stated that customers have to consider risks in  OpenOffice.org 
> transition. There are risks such as compatibility, re-usability, re-education 
> of 
> corporate users, increase of corporate support.
> Microsoft wants to call these as risks, but this means Microsoft itself feels 
> the 
> risks on OpenOffice.org. To users, there is a risk that there is not a 
> perfect 
> compatibility among difference versions of MS Office. There are may companies 
> who 
> have not upgraded because of incompatibilities of MS Office. Also the risk of 
> vendor lock-in should be considered.
> NIKKEI ITPro, one of Japanese Webzines, did a questionaire, in conjunction 
> with 
> this seminar report, that OOo/SS can substitute MS Office in business 
> purpose, to 
> users who have used OOo/SS, and the result was:
> * Can substitute Microsoft Office in business purpose ï14.0%
> * Good enough to substitute Microsoft Office in business purpose ï62.6%
> * Cannot substitute Microsoft Office in business purpose because of lacks of 
> functionalities, reliabilities and so on ï6.2%
> * Cannot substitute Microsoft Office in business purpose because of 
> compatibilities with existing documents and transition costs ï12.6%
> * Misc. ï4.8%
> http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/free/ITPro/OPINION/20050502/160384/index.shtml
> - Knoppix-ja continues its own evolution
> You may aware of Knoppix, which is a CD bootable Linux and inlcudes OOo.
> Kuniyasu Suzaki of AIST(National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and 
> Technology , http://www.aist.go.jp/) has developed and maintained own 
> extensions 
> in Japanese Knoppix(http://unit.aist.go.jp/itri/knoppix/index-en.html). One 
> of his
>  target is availability of the same computer environment in anywhere if there 
> is a
>  network, and no CD-ROM is required.
> Knoppix-ja includes emulators like QEMU and coLinux, so it runs on Windows. 
> Employing this User-Mode Linux functionality, while it boots from CD, it can 
> modify and save configurations. HTTP-FUSE KNOPPIX enables network boot if 
> there is
>  a boot loader, which requires about 6MB includes Linux kernel and miniroot. 
> This 
> includes OOo too(http:
> //unit.aist.go.jp/itri/knoppix/http-fuse/index-en.html)
> -------
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