6, 109287, Overall-9, File Save as

1. Open a file.
1. ファイルを開く。

2. Change the contents. Type some native language characters.
2. 内容を変える。日本語の文字を入力する。

3. Choose File --> Save as from the menu.
3. メニューで[ファイル]-->[保存]を選択する。

4. Specify a location and filename having native language characters
in the File Save as dialog and click on Save.
4. [名前を付けて保存]ダイアログで日本語の文字を含むファイル名を入力し、[保存]ボタンをクリックする。

5. Open the file again and check the contents.
5. そのファイルをもう一度開き、内容をチェックする。

Expect Result
The File Save as dialog should be localized and the characters should
be displayed correctly.

The file is saved at the specified position with the given name.

If the file already exists, a pop-up should ask for confirmation for
overwriting the contents of the existing file. On clicking Yes, the
content are updated and the file is overwritten. The pop-up should be
localized and the contents should be displayed correctly.

The file when opened should display the contents correctly. Contents
should not be garbled

OpenOffice.org Localization Testing:Release sanity scenario

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