FF 1.5 shows arrows but otherwise doesnt work.
IE6 works for me.

On 8/11/06, Jörn Zaefferer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi George,
> very nice work so far.
> Some ideas:
> - min, max and increments would be very useful and quite easy to implement
> - concerning 'disallow non-numeric text': Sam wrote a plugin that does
> exactly this ( http://sam.collett.googlepages.com/numeric.html )
> - the perfect spinbutton could do this: up/down keys to in-/decrease;
> up-/down-buttons single click for single step; hold up-/down-buttons for
> repeated steps; click, hold and drag either button to in-/deacrease, based
> on direction
> - non numeric data as dates are rather uninteressting, as there are very
> nice date pickers available; on the other hand, a spin button for time for
> be great
> - for avoiding namespace cluttering and easy option parsing there are some
> tricks available - I learned these from jQuery itself and several plugins
> and used them in a plugin of mine, if you are interesseted, have a look at
> it: http://fuzz.bassistance.de/jQueryFormValidation/js/validate.js - Most
> interesseting should be the start till this line:
> jQuery.extend(this.settings, options);
> If you apply this to your code, your syntax could look like this:
> var options = {
>  min: 0,
>  max: 200,
>  step: 5
> }
> $('input.spinMe').spinButton(options);
> Something you should definitly change: Load a copy of jQuery from your own
> server and remove the link zu jQuery.com. This is a something that remained
> in the official docs. Please have a look at the updated tutorial here:
> http://proj.jquery.com/docs/Tutorials/Basics/
> I added your plugin (and Sam's numeric plugin) to the plugin page, so
> everybody can find it: http://proj.jquery.com/docs/Plugins/
> -- Jörn
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