I want the expression to verify that the link is in the correct data
structure, i.e. inside a <dt> that is inside a <dl> and where
$(this).parent().next() is a <dd>.

Said differently: I want to tell my script "if the link is inside a <dt>
then show() the corresponding <dd> (if it exists)".

That's why I was trying to use XPath and the parent::x syntax (and failed
miserably, ha ha).

> In the SVN build of jQuery you can do:
> $(this).parent().next().show();
> jQuery SVN can be found here:
> http://jquery.com/src/jquery-svn.js
> --John
> > I have the following structure:
> >
> >    <dl>
> >         <dt><a href="url">x</a></dt>
> >         <dd>text</dd>
> >    </dl>
> >
> >
> > I select the <a> element in this, and I want to show() the corresponding dd.
> >
> >
> > This works but is not very precise:
> >         $("../../dt/../dd", this).show();
> >
> > I'm trying to write it more precisely with something like:
> >         $("parent::dt/parent::dl/dd", this).show();
> >
> > but I'm not finding the correct expression...

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