Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:
>> $("input.mydate").datePicker({format:'mm/dd/yyyy', startdate:'08/15/2006',
>> enddate:'08/31/2006'});
> Yeah! That would be much better! This way you could create several date 
> pickers at once, without having to configure which class is used to mark the 
> date field. And it would be possible to use several date pickers on a page 
> with different settings, something currently not possible, as far as I get 
> it.
> Maybe further feature requests should be branched into a new plugin. I guess 
> its nice to have it simple to use and small. On the other hand, its not able 
> to select a birthdate etc.
> -- Jörn 
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Great plugin, here are a few suggestions:

Make the textfield read-only. Whats the point in having a date picker,
when the user still can put  unwanted date in the textfield :-)
I would also prefer a way to go faster through the dates, so a 3 month
-next/prev 6 month next/prev would be great.


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