Another newbie question. I was looking at some cool form handling features of prototype (about half-way down this article: and was trying to figure out jQuery has similar features. I'm a little confused – I see the form plugin referenced from does some of what I'm looking for (such as serialize), but it also looks like some (maybe all?) of this functionality is already baked into the core jQuery library. Is this just simply not documented yet? Is there a good current overview of the latest built-in form handling features?


2 specific functions of prototype that I think look particularly useful are Form.Observer and Form.EventObserver. The former checks all form fields at a specified periodic interval and calls a specified callback if anything changes. The latter is similar only it listens for all relevant change events (onchange, onclick) of all form fields rather than polling at intervals. Does the core jQuery and/or an existing plugin have a similar feature? Sorry if I completely missed it - I dug around a bit and didn't find anything.


Also, until the new site is launched, is the place to go (rather than for the most current info and documentation?





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