I'm a PHP guy through and through, and hate Perl.  Am I what you're looking 
for? :-)

Seriously thought, I'd not actually heard of openjsan until this thread.  The 
problem with CPAN-like systems, though (such as PEAR, the PHP equivalent), is 
that they get big, fast.  Just a base PEAR install is huge, and includes a 
ton of test code, documentation, configs, and other things that are 
completely irrelevant to running the code.  They also really don't work in 
individual downloads.  You have to use their installer, which means pretty 
much you have to have a dedicated server that you're running things on.  You 
can set things up without it, but frankly they're all hacks that only sorta 

The other catch is inter-dependency.  That means all code has to be written to 
essentially the same standard.  It also means you get a lot of code that 
requires other code that requires other code.  That's OK on a server but for 
Javascript, that becomes a TON of code you need to send to the client.  Add t 
that the fact that there are so many different common standards for JS coding 
makes the problem even worse.

Frankly, I think a better solution for jQuery is to become its own 
repository. :-)  Provide svn space for contrib modules, under a common 
MIT/GPL dual license, automate the documentation, make it easy to mix and 
match.  Right now there's just so many cool things being announced on the 
list here that I can't keep up with them, but none of it ends up on the web 
site, except maybe in the blog.  For a modular system like jQuery, a better 
way to present and advertise those contributed modules and plugins is very 

On Monday 21 August 2006 21:03, John Beppu wrote:
> Cool.  I'm glad Perl is still alive.  ;-)
> However, I would really like to hear from the non-Perl people who are
> so underrepresented on openjsan.org.  Is there anyone on this jQuery
> Discussion mailing list who is *NOT* a Perl hacker?
> If so, I'd really like to hear your thoughts on openjsan.org and how
> we could make it better.
> (...or, if you could suggest a place where I can find non-Perl people
> doing serious JavaScript development, that's cool, too.  The more
> voices, the better.)
> On 8/21/06, ashutosh bijoor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I second Stephen's opinions, but again, I'm a Perl guy too :-)
> > -Ashutosh
> >
> > On 8/22/06, Stephen Howard <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:
> > > I know you wanted to hear from non-Perl programmers, but I thought  I'd
> > > throw this in, as I've suggested on the jQuery list in the past that
> > > people submit their jQuery work to JSAN (I have a couple of pre-jQuery
> > > items on JSAN myself)
> > >
> > > The killer I think for JSAN is the infrastructure's immaturity. At
> > > least for a time, Casey seemed to be running the uploads for JSAN
> > > manually, so you never knew when your code would hit the repository.
> > >
> > > Another thing I think needs improving is a browseable interface to the
> > > repository.  I think this is one of cpan.org's strengths that is
> > > missing from openjsan.  In addition to the search box
> > > (search.cpan.org), CPAN has browseable categories for modules.  No such
> > > interface seems to exist for JSAN.
> > >
> > > People from other language backgrounds may have different objections,
> > > but those are what seem to be standing in the way from my point of
> > > view.
> > >
> > > -Stephen
> > >
> > > John Beppu wrote:
> > > > to John Resig:
> > > >
> > > > Have you considered uploading jQuery to openjsan.org?
> > > >
> > > > I ask, becuase I feel the Perl guys could use a decent foundation to
> > > > do their work on, and jQuery might fit the bill.
> > > >
> > > > ----
> > > >
> > > > to everyone else:
> > > >
> > > > I'm a little concerned about JSAN, because it started out as a
> > > > promising project to bring something CPAN-like for all Javascript
> > > > programmers, but it's kinda fizzled out after the initial excitement.
> > > > One serious problem in my mind is that it's mainly Perl people who
> > > > seem to care about it right now while people from other language
> > > > communities (like Ruby, Python, PHP, Java, etc.) seem to ignore it.
> > > > In the very beginning, this wasn't the case, because the guy who
> > > > wrote Prototype was willing to work with the JSAN group, and the guy
> > > > who wrote MochiKit (a python guy) actually has uploaded a few
> > > > versions to openjsan.org (although it seems like he hasn't uploaded
> > > > the latest versions).  There was an initial willingness by a diverse
> > > > group to work together, but this doesn't seem to be the case anymore,
> > > > and that's sad.
> > > >
> > > > My hunch is that aspects of openjsan.org take a bit too much from the
> > > > Perl community, and for whatever reason, this is a turn-off to
> > > > non-Perl programmers.  (I think using POD for Javascript
> > > > documentation may be one of these things but it's hard for me to
> > > > say....)
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Anyway, I'd like to hear from non-Perl programmers what they think of
> > > > openjsan.org and especially what they DO NOT like about openjsan.org
> > > > (so we'll know what to fix).
> > > >
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Larry Garfield                  AIM: LOLG42
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               ICQ: 6817012

"If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession 
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it."  -- Thomas 

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