I've been out of the loop on the list here for a little while, and I've
recently thrown on the latest SVN JQuery. Running into some odd problems.

I've got something like the following:

        $("body").append("<div id='overlay'></div><iframe id='edit'
                $("#overlay").top(window.pageYOffset + 'px');
                $("#edit").top(window.pageYOffset +  100 + 'px');

which is intended to be a one-shot lightbox style deal (Thickbox seems good,
but overkill for what I wanted.)

However when I change..

$("#overlay").top(window.pageYOffset + 'px');


$("#overlay").height(window.pageYOffset + 'px');

so that the effect works a little bit smoother, I'm greeted with nothing:
the overlay div just sits there. Same if I were to use .css("height", etc)

I've also tried using the center plugin which is back by including it in the
head, and copying and pasting it at the end of my SVN build, but I'm also
yet unable to get that one to work too on a div that is not being appended
to the page

Basically, am I missing something stupid here in my 2-3 months of JQuery
rustiness? Any help would be appreciated!

Mike Rubits
Web/Graphic Designer, d8d.org
E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  ICQ: 4029304

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