And I wonder, is our INTERNATIONAL work ready to begin? Which things need to translate? I can't wait for it!

2006/8/26, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED] >:
I'd like to take this opportunity to announce the brand new jQuery
1.0! A lot of work has gone into this release. A lot of bugs fixed, a
ton of new features, and a complete overhaul of how the jQuery
development process is run.

In reality, this release is so large, it's going to take a couple days
to release it (this includes a new version of the jQuery web site). So
bare with us as we make the transition over to full release. There's
some kinks that'll have to be worked out (namely, finalizing the new
documentation) but it's all in the pipeline and will be ready within
the next couple days.

For now, here are some relevant links to get you started:
* jQuery 1.0
* jQuery 1.0 - Compressed
* API Documentation
* (Partial) Test Suite

If you want to build your own copies of jQuery, you can check it out
of Subversion and build it from the command line. You can get the
latest jQuery by doing:
  svn co svn://

There's so much more to come. I'll be doing a post every day this week
detailing some aspect of jQuery 1.0 along with some screencasts
demonstrating what you can do with all the new code. Please, if you
spot any bugs, file them in the bug tracker:
* Bug Tracker:
* Submit New Bug:

I'd like to thank everyone who made this release possible. It's been a
lot of work, but the journey is only just beginning. I can't wait to
delve into some of the very exciting advances that we have planned.
Happy Coding!


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