Right, I've managed to get this half working now.  I put my code into
a function, and put an onclick param on each <option> tag, so when
it's selected it runs my code:

                function contactTypeVenue() {
                function contactTypePerson() {
                function contactTypeCompany() {

<select name="contact_type" class="contact_type" title="This allows
you to select what kind of contact you are adding. Depending on your
options, different fields will appear for you to fill in."
                                                <option value="person"
                                                <option value="venue"
                                                <option value="company"

But now the problem I'm experiencing is when I use different
selections of options.  For example, when I change it to company, it
removes the div cf_position, but not cf_email.  When I then click
person, cf_email is already visible and causes the div to render

Is their any way to check the state of a div tag first before
executing the code?

On 18/08/06, digital spaghetti <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm new to jQuery.  I've tried out a few AJAX things in the past, but I am 
> very happy to settle on jQuery as it seems to have everything a developer 
> could need :)
> I'm having a bit of trouble though, and I appologise if I sound thick, but I 
> would like to use jQuery to create dynamic forms and I cannot seem to get it 
> to work.
> I am creating a Contact tool, and with the tool I have a dropdown that allows 
> you to select the type of contact (person, place, company, etc).  Based on 
> the option selected, I want to present the required fields to the user, and 
> remove fields not required from the view.
> I've tried to look through the docs, and cannot find what I am looking for.  
> What I want to do, is have a script that grabs the value from my select field 
> (name="contact_type" class="contact_type") and based on this value, runs a 
> short script to show and hide the required fields.
> I think once I get over this problem, the rest of the development should be 
> relativly easy.
> Any help would be appreciated.
> Regards,
> Tane Piper
> No Half Measures

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