John Resig schrieb:
>> I found a bug in Safari in the curCSS function where it tries to access
>> a property which is null in that case...:
> What property were you attempting to check with curCSS in Safari - the
> specific property is very important. Also, does the element have a
> display: of none? What version of Safari are you using this in?

John, I think the properties doesn't matter here, because the 
document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(...) was already null. Or do they? 
The properties were overflow and opacity.

I did some more testing:

The element that causes the error is a div inside another div, of which 
the latter is hidden (as it is the container of a tab that is currently 
inactive), so both elements are hidden, although I use a CSS class to 
hide the tabs containers instead of an inline style. The nested element 
therefore has no style at all.

With that tab activated Safari does not throw any errors.

Is that enough information? If I have some more time I can put up a test 

I testet in Safari 2.04 (419.3).

> Fixing the error is moot point considering that Safari is still not
> retrieving the value that it needs. Please let me know.
> In the future, please submit bugs here:

Thank you, yes I will.

-- Klaus

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