On Sat, 2 Sep 2006, John Resig wrote:

>> Lately I've been experimenting with Parenscript, which is a 
>> Lisp-to-JavaScript translator that allows you to write macros; if 
>> anyone's interested I can post some sequencing macro code I've been 
>> working on...
> Go ahead! I'm interested :-)

Right on.

So, for a simple example, here's a snippet of Parenscript code that 
creates a DIV, puts some text in it, and fades it in, out, and back in 

   (.append #$"body" (html ((:div :id "mydiv"
                                  :style (css-inline :background "white"))
                            "Hello, world!")))
    (.fade-in #$"div #mydiv" "slow")
    (.fade-out #$"div #mydiv" "slow")
    (.fade-in #$"div #mydiv" "fast")))

A few notes about the syntax: The "#$" is a reader-macro I wrote for for 
convenience; #$"body" gets transformed into ($ "body"). I haven't yet 
decided if this is a good thing or not. ;) In Parenscript, functions that 
start with a "." such as ".append" and ".fade-in", above, are treated as 
method calls. Capitalization is translated by Parenscript from Lisp-style 
to JavaScript-style, which is why the jQuery methods end up looking like 
".fade-in". The "html" and "css-inline" macros are part of Parenscript, 
and allow you to generate JavaScript that builds HTML and CSS from 

The sequencing macro is "seq". The above "seq" call gets transformed into 
the following:

   (.fade-in #$"div #mydiv" "slow"
      (lambda ()
         (.fade-out #$"div #mydiv" "slow"
            (lambda ()
               (.fade-in #$"div #mydiv" "fast")))))

The resulting JavaScript is this:

   function main() {
     $('body').append('<div id="mydiv" style="' + ('background:white')
                      + '">Hello, world!</div>');
     $('div #mydiv').fadeIn('slow',
                            function () {
                              $('div #mydiv').fadeOut('slow',
                                                      function () {

So, this has similar effects to what I think you're trying to achieve with 
method chaining, but is more general because you are not limited to a 
single jQuery object for the dispatch of each chained operation.

Here's my working definition of "seq":

   (defjsmacro seq (&rest forms)
         ((aux (lst)
                ((null lst) nil)
                ((and (consp lst) (not (cdr lst))) (car lst))
                (t (append (car lst) (list `(lambda () ,(aux (cdr lst)))))))))
       (aux forms)))

I'd like to extend it to allow inserting ordinary code in the middle of 
the sequence with a "par" construct - I'm lifting this terminology out of 
an interesting but obscure concurrent language called Occam:


Ironically, in an event-driven model, "par" is really the default 
behavior. When working with background functions, everything is parallel; 
you have to really work at making things sequential.


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