I fixed this, this words are not used anymore.

Michael Geary wrote:
>> Ok, I have renamed "interface" to iface on line 62. And line 74 to:
>>     z.iface = iface;
>> Now it does not throw an error on load anymore, but I haven't 
>> tested the functionality itself, since I don't use Scale, 
>> Puff or Grow anyway. In fact, I have removed ifxscale from my 
>> packed file now.
>> And I have found another error on Firefox/Mac:
>> ----------------------------
>> Error: missing name after . operator
>> In isortables.js on line 92:
>>     shs.float = 'none';
>> ----------------------------
>> But I haven't tried to change this. Excluded isortables completely...
> Yes, 'float' is a reserved word just like 'interface'!
> Sounds like the Interface code could use a good going-over looking for any
> other reserved words...
> -Mike
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