OK, I'll do it like that then. Thanks for the response.

On 9/5/06, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> That's not my understanding as to how checkbox values work. If you
> really want to uncheck a checkbox, you have to remove the checked
> attribute - changing the value does /not/ have the same effect.
> So, to uncheck it you could do:
> $("#foo").removeAttr("checked");
> --John
> On 9/5/06, Dylan Verheul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a checkbox like this
> >
> > <input type="checkbox" id="foo" value="1" checked="checked" />
> >
> > I would expect this code to uncheck it:
> > $("#foo").val(0); // any value != 1 should uncheck it
> > and this code to check it
> > $("#foo").val(1);
> >
> > It doesn't.
> >
> > The value attribute of a checkbox is imho not dynamic like a texbox's,
> > but static, and can only be toggled to on or off.
> >
> > When manipulating form fields (don't get me started on radio button
> > sets), jQuery seems to lose its beauty.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> >
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> --
> John Resig
> http://ejohn.org/
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