Hi again.

Thanks for the replies John and Klaus

I did not get :not() to work but I finally got it to work using jQuery's 
.not() function. This is how I finally solved it, thanks to the tips 
from both John and Klaus


$('body [EMAIL PROTECTED]' + rel + ']:not([href$=' + 
src.substring(src.lastIndexOf('/')) +'])').each(function() {});


> Hi, maybe you ran into the problem that different browsers return 
> different values for the href attribute if the value itself (in your 
> html source) is a relative link.
> If src is something like "/relative/path/to/somewhere" try the following 
> snippet:
> $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]' + rel + ']:not([EMAIL PROTECTED]' + src 
> +'])').each(function() {
>      alert(this.href + '\n' + src);
> });
> I think you can leave out the body selector here, links cannot occur 
> outside the body anyway.
> Or you can try to use the not function, but this should have the same 
> result:
> $('[EMAIL PROTECTED]' + rel + ']).not('[EMAIL PROTECTED]' + src 
> +'])').each(function() {
>      alert(this.href + '\n' + src);
> });
> -- Klaus
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