
are you loading the if-modified-since header from your target script?
<? header("if-modified-since ... something like that

> I seem to be having some challenges with the loadIfModified(url)
> function. Is the remote HTML "injected" if anything is returned by the
> URL, or if only what is returned that the previous time the URL was
> queried?
> I'm building a web page that periodically polls the server to display
> the status (OK, busy, loading, etc.)
> The following code does not appear to work (in Firefox 1.5):
>       setInterval(function() {
>               $('#status-container').loadIfModified('status.jsp');
>       }, 1000);
> ... however, using the "load" function instead of "loadIfModified" does
> seem to work:
>       setInterval(function() {
>               $('#status-container').load('status.jsp');
>       }, 1000);
> Suggestions?
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