On 8/31/06, John Resig <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Not /yet/ - however I do have the following function planned:

Which will select all the follow elements until it hits one that
matches the _expression_ - which is just what you want. It may be "a
little bit" before I get it into the core, proper - so just something
to consider.

I haven't tested this, but maybe something like:

$.fn.nextUntil = function(expr) {
    var match = [];

        var cur = this.nextSibling;
        while ( cur && jQuery.filter( expr, [cur] ).r.length ) {
            match = jQuery.merge( match, [ cur ] );
            cur = cur.nextSibling ;

    return this.pushStack( match, arguments );


I was looking over the API and saw the $().siblings(expr) method. Could that be used to accomplish something similar to the above? like: $('dt').siblings('dd').not('dt') ??

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