Hi all,

I have a situation where I want to make a container both Droppable and Sortable at the same time.  The use case is, you drag a button into the Droppable container, and when you do so the onDrop callback creates an HTML node and inserts it into the container.  I also want those objects to be Sortable, so that I can reorder them after I have dropped them into the container.

But if I make the container Droppable first and then Sortable, then it doesn't quite work.  When I initialize the containers as Sortable, it first makes the "accept" elements Draggable, and then tries to make the container Droppable.  But, since I have already made it Droppable, the Sortable code sees this and skips it.  Thus the Droppable still works, and the "accept" elements are draggable, but I can't drop them anywhere, so they always just revert to where they originated from.
If I do it the other way around, make the container Sortable and then Droppable then the opposite is true.  The elements are sortable, but nothing happens when I drop something in the container.

I was wondering if anyone else has seen this problem, and if so if they have a workaround or solution.  I tried adding an onDrop as a Sortables configuration parameter, and then appending the method that is passed in after the default onDrop that Sortables adds to the container.  That was moderately successful, but then I ran into more issues, because it still tried to sort.  I added a cancelling mechanism, but there were more issues with that.  You can see where this is going...

Any suggestions on this issue would be greatly appreciated.

Brendan O'Brien

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