If you want to keep the draggable inside its parent you can use 
containment 'parent'. This way the dragged element will never leave its 

Paul Bakaus wrote:
> Hi there,
> this is because of Interface appending the draggable element to the 
> body, rather then to its parent. For example, scriptaculous appends 
> the draggable to it's parent, so it will stay in context.
> I had the problem the other way around: When using scriptaculous, I 
> had to modify scriptaculous to append to body, because of this: My 
> draggable was in a overflow: auto container and I wanted to move it 
> out. However, trying to move a overflow: auto's child will give you 
> only scrollbars.
> Perhaps we should implement a option to toggle between appending to 
> body/parent, like appendTo: 'body'
> 2006/9/10, Yehuda Katz <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:
>     Anyone have any idea about this. Resolving this issue is honestly
>     the difference between using Prototype and jQuery for a particular
>     project.
>     On 9/8/06, *Yehuda Katz * <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>         Stefan or anyone who can answer this,
>         I'd like to use a sortable inside a container a la Google
>         Maps. Unfortunately, the current sortable code "lifts" items
>         wrapper inside a container out of the container (regardless of
>         zIndex) so you can see the entire item being dragged. Is there
>         a way to have a draggable item inside a container that stays
>         inside the container when being dragged?
>         -- 
>         Yehuda Katz
>         Web Developer
>         (ph)  718.877.1325
>     -- 
>     Yehuda Katz
>     Web Developer
>     (ph)  718.877.1325
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> -- 
> Paul Bakaus
> Web Developer
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> Hildastr. 35
> 79102 Freiburg
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