Sorry but I changed that already cursx is not used anymore.

I advice to use 'onDrag' callback. This way you get element's 
coordinates. You check this coordinates against you table position and  
each  cell position.

let's say: you have a table 500 px width, 500 height, 5 rows and 5 
columns, positioned at 100px left and 50px top.Each cell has 100px as 
dimension. While you drag the element
you get for instance x=313 and y=214.

To find column int(x-table.left)/cell.width   => parseInt(312 - 100)/100 
=  3
to find row int( => parseInt(214 - 50)/100 = 1

remember this last cell from row 1 and column 3 and when the dragging 
stops you know that the element was dropped on that last cell.

Mark Gibson wrote:
> Mark Gibson wrote:
>> Ideally I'd like to have a single Droppable on the whole table,
>> and use the 'ondrop' callback, but having the position of the pointer
>> (relative to the table element) passed to the callback function,
>> is this possible?
> Right, I've solved it. To recap the problem:
> I have a palette of items, which need associating with columns in a
> table. I wanted to drag the item into the table (using ghosting drag).
> On dropping the item it would be removed from the palette and placed
> in the TH cell of whichever column it was dropped in.
> First I tried adding a Droppable to every TH and TD - this caused a
> major delay at the beginning of the drag operation.
> Now, I've got a Droppable on just the TABLE:
> $("table").Droppable({
>       accept:     'item',
>       tolerance:  'pointer',
>       ondrop:     function(item) {
>               var dropx = item.dragCfg.cursx; // The cursor position at time 
> of drop
>               var ths = $(this).find('th');   // Get all heading cells        
>               // Find the column in which the drop occurred
>               for (var i=1; i < ths.length; i++) {
>                       if (dropx < jQuery.iUtil.getPosition(ths[i]).x) break;
>               }
>               // Place the item in the column heading
>               $(item).remove().appendTo(ths[i-1]);
>       }
> });
> I have to ask though, if using of item.dragCfg.cursx is future proof?
> Is there a better/safer way I should be doing this?
> Otherwise, I hope this may help someone else.
> Cheers
> - Mark
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