> I wrote a pager plugin to power the http://jquery.com/api/ site. It
> works with both numbers, alpha characters, and words. Additionally, it
> works on <ul>, <ol>, and <table> elements (with <dl> elements in the
> works). After I squish some more bugs, I'll document it and release
> it. For now, however, you can find it on this page:
> http://jquery.com/api/js/pager.js

Hmm, I'd like to voice a big concern for functionality like this, as  
it is invisible to non-JavaScript users... Having JavaScript features  
which do not degrade is bad for impaired users, but it also affects  
search engines and their use. You cannot link to any of the later  
pages, and even if you could (e.g. through a #-href trick) the search  
engines would not see a difference between any of the pages and most  
likely direct you to the first page.

If I do a Google search for an API function which is not on the first  
page, then the search result will bring me to a 'page' which does not  
contain my search result. I'd have to sift through the pages myself  
by hand (in-page search doesn't work either!). This is very bad.

Slightly related... in my most recent project I'm working with an  
XHTML/CSS/JS design that actually uses jQuery to finish the design  
(by adding wrapper divs and icon placeholders and whatnot). With JS  
disabled, the design looks incomplete. I'm very annoyed at the  
designer, but unfortunately there is no time or money to redo it, so  
I'm stuck with it.

Many jQuery users seems to suffering from "if all you have is a  
hammer, everything looks like a nail" syndrome and it worries me a  
bit :/.

Steven Wittens

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