You have to supply an out functions. hover takes 2 parameters, in and out, like this: .hover(in, out);

You dont have an out function, so jquery is trying to call a function that doesnt exist.

On 9/16/06, Rafael Santos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Here are the lines.
after I move the cursor out of <a> i get the error: "g has no properties"

$(document).ready( function(){
    $("#menu li a").hover( function(){    $(this).parent().background("red");    });
    //$("#menu li a").mouseout( function(){    $(this).parent().background("black");    });

//im using
$Date: 2006-08-31 13:26:31 -0400 (Thu, 31 Aug 2006) $ * $Rev: 249

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