
> As I work on GNU/Linux I use Konquere to see if things wil work in
> Safari. I still need a mac but don't have one.
> Now I notice that often things don't work under konquerer. For example
> this simple line give nothing under konquerer while in IE and Firefox it
> works fine.
>   $("li a").click(function(){
>                               $(this).parent().children().fadeIn("slow");
>                       });

fade() uses the CSS.Attribute "opacity" which is not supported by Konqueror. I 
am not shure if Safari supports it. Theoretically you should see the same 
Effect as if you had used show(). If that doesn't happen, I am not shure 
where the error could be. I guess either parent() has some problems or 
click() is not propperly applied. Try this:

$("li a").each(function() {
        alert('link: '+this.id);
        alert('click-callback: '+this.id)
        $(this).parent().each(function() {
                alert('parent: '+this.id);
        }).children().each(function() {
                alert('child: '+this.id);

And see which of the alert Boxes are shown.


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