On 21/09/06, Jason Levine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Sorry about that.  Here's the link:
> http://www.jasons-toolbox.com/JHeartbeat/
> Also sorry about any double-post.  I was having trouble signing up and
> Nabble was reporting that my message didn't get through, so I tried posting
> it again.
> --

Just a suggestion. How about being able to do it in a more jQuery-like
way. Instead of adding a div called 'HeartBeatDIV' to the page, you
could apply it to an existing div, i.e.:

$("#mydiv").jheartbeat({url: "mypage.asp", delay: 3000}, myCallBackFunction)

You could then use it several times on a page as well (as in several
div's that reload content from different locations periodically). Kind
of like doing the following, but with potential for much more (due to
being a plugin)

setTimeout("$('#mydiv").load('mypage.asp')", 3000)

Another suggestion would be the ability to pass on parameters:
$("#mydiv").jheartbeat({url: "mypage.asp", delay: 3000, urlparams :
{searchfor: "bar"} }, myCallBackFunction)

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