Hi all,

I have a page(1) with an iframe, where the iframe loads a 
second-party-web page(2). Now, if I open (1), I want to do some 
JS-Action, whenever (1) is completely loaded. This works great in FF and 

You can test it here:


The comments on the left side should load almost immediately in FF / 
Opera. It basically works like this:


But if you look at the same page in IE, you will get a different result. 
IE waits until the content of the iframe - the external web page (2) on 
the right side - was completely loaded until it starts to execute 

What I like to happen is that document.ready starts, whenever the 
surrounding web page (1) is loaded, not the intrinsic iframed page (2).
Any ideas why document.ready behaves differently. Is there any 
workaround for that?


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