Jörn Zaefferer schrieb:
> Hi folks,
> after the discussion about the global ajax handlers and the question, if 
> the form plugin should be merged into the core, I'd like to know 
> wheather anyone has any other issues, problems or ideas for the AJAX 
> module that can be addressed. Now is the time!
> I'm currently adding lots of tests to make sure that the current code 
> works as documented (eg. timeout doesn't seem to work as expected) and 
> any refactorings won't break existing code. Planned are primarily 
> bugfixes, then the refactoring as proposed by Will 
> (http://jquery.com/dev/bugs/bug/159/), then the mentioned above, merging 
> form and improving the global handlers, eg. allowing to override them.

Hi Jörn,

John made a ticket for a local timeout option, like:

     timeout: 5000,

To have that would be nice. See here:

I reported a bug that an unset Last-Modified header breaks Firefox. I'm 
not sure if my proposed fix is sufficient, but I think it is really 
important that this is fixed (If you haven't configured your server to 
set such header, Ajax simply does not work in Firefox 1.0).

I also found, that the only way to load an html fragment with having 
script blocks evaluated is to use the load() method. Shouldn't that work 
with $.ajax and a dataType of "html" as well?. It seems to me, that 
people tend to use $.ajax more and more.

Let me know if I can help out.

> One issue that could use some opinions is this: 
> http://jquery.com/dev/bugs/bug/196/
> Is there anyone who uses jQuery AND XMLHttpRequest directly?

I think what is meant here, is that other libraries do IE browser 
sniffing by checking the XHR object, right?

In my opinion, jQuery shouldn't be responsible for others bad code.

-- Klaus

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