
This is certainly a very interesting approach!

I will try to incorporate the ides into the release.

As for RegExp, the filters for text nodes do support standard RegExp syntax.

There will be support for a global RegExp driven search field
that will search the entire table structure.

Thanks for the feedback!


Jörn Zaefferer wrote:
> Christian Bach schrieb:
>> Hi All!
>> I have been working hard to get filtering into the next release of 
>> TableSorter. So i have put up a "rough" demo of how it will work.
>> The demo is located here: 
>> http://motherrussia.polyester.se/pub/jquery/demos/filter/filter-demo.html
>> In the full release filtering on dates will work and there will be an 
>> option to apply text filtering on all columns, more of a search function 
>> for tables.
>> Feedback would be appreciated.
> Thats pretty cool stuff!
> I think this could very nicely work like this (maybe partly the same on 
> what you are planning already):
> Click on the filter icon for a column, a popup is displayed at the icon 
> with an input (with focus!), I enter something, hit enter key and watch 
> the result. Pressing escape removes the popup. By deleting what I 
> entered and pressing enter, I get the full result again. That way I can 
> apply more than one filter column. With one or more filters applied, 
> clicking on a column sorter then sorts the filtered table. The icon 
> changes for each column that has a filter active, that way I can find 
> and remove them.
> Though the range filter is nice, I want to be able to do a text search 
> on all columns, eg. all IDs containing 004. A simple grep/regex syntax 
> to search for start or end of strings would be nice, too.
> -- Jörn

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