> On 9/21/06, Tim Gossett <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Also, how about adding some rectangles and polygons to your plugin?
> > I'd love to be able to draw a (closed) polygon and fill it with a
> > background image. Bonus points if I can click anywhere inside the
> > polygon to pop-up the balloon. I might even settle for a rectangle.

On 9/22/06, Dylan Verheul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I think that goes beyond the idea to make an easy entry point for
> Google Maps...

 Actually, I don't think it's too far away from the entry point.
You're using JSON to build an object that you use in your plugin...
just an array of lat/lng pairs and some other config attributes. The
next step is to represent a polygon in JSON...

This actually might be a good example for learning JSON. Whaddya think, list?

(I'll be working on the rest of my suggestion above)

.: Tim Gossett
.: Webdev
.: //University of Florida/PHHP/Occupational Therapy

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